Some times, "just showing up" is enough. And other days it isn't enough.
Every position can be broken down into three phases: entry, stabilization, and finish.
Set the tempo, take control of the pace. Make them fight on your terms.
"Right side up" is only relative. Just remember, you're not upside down, your opponent is.
It's right in front of you.
You have to regularly try something new if you want to be the best version of yourself.
Embrace your true nature and allow yourself to evolve into the next step of Jiu-Jitsu.
Staying efficient with your movements might be the difference between passing and getting swept.
The best offense is a good defense.
Finding where you feel safe will help you see where you shine.
Ever wonder how small black belts feel like they weigh tons? Understanding position and angles will change your game.
Small variations open up new opportunities.