TFS#17: Taking The L

Learn to lose so you know how to win.

Learning to lose is one of the reasons why people love Jiu-Jitsu.

Losing teaches us valuable lessons.

In this sport, you lose—and you lose a lot. So you get a lot of practice at it.

Yet, somehow, people still don’t handle losses well.

I don’t blame them, losing is never fun.

And besides, everyone handles losing in a different way.

Some are indifferent, placing no value behind losing.

Some take losing personally.

But regardless of you how you naturally handle your losses, remember—they’re a perfect opportunity to grow.

Losing a match doesn’t mean your opponent was better than you. It just means they happened to win that one match.

And even if they are "better" than you, it doesn't mean you can't beat them.

Jiu-Jitsu is about making small adjustments to improve your position.

Go back next week and make those improvements.

No need to shy away from your loses.

Don’t let it ruin your weekend.

Actionable Items

  • Remember it’s a hobby — For the majority, it’s not a profession. We always need to maintain a balance between a competitive mindset and understanding that we ultimately do this for fun.

  • Be in the moment — Maybe you lost and you’re done for the day, now go support your team. If your team goes out for dinner, enjoy time with them outside of Jiu-Jitsu. You can still have fun even after a loss.

  • Don’t let the loss define you — Believe that you can win. That’s the only mindset you can have. What makes you a true fighter is your ability to keep fighting after a loss.

  • Tweak your game — Losing doesn’t mean you need to totally revamp your game. Small adjustments can have big effects.

Now, let's start rolling...

Techniques To Explore

1. 3 Step-By-Step Effective Ways To Escape Triangle Choke
To know a position and become more comfortable with it, you’ll need to drill being caught in that position.

2. Small Adjustments To Test Armbar Escape
Armbar escapes are always tricky but being aware of your body orientation is crucial on how you’ll want to attempt your defense.

3. What You Need To Know Against Pesky Straight Ankle Locks
White belts, you’ll need to be wary of these sneaky attacks as these opportunities come up regularly in white belt rolls. Know when you can snag one…and know when you’re in danger of one.

Quick Tips

One Closing Thought

There’s a mental balance you need to achieve if you want to compete.

There is a time and place for each mindset.

Believe that you can win, and understand it’s just a hobby.

Your game is good enough, but your Jiu-Jitsu requires some improvement.

Defeat isn't losing.
Quitting is.