TFS#18: Don't Stop

Pausing isn't stopping.

Jiu-Jitsu burnout is a normal part of training.

Sometimes after years of training can make you lose focus on you growth.

Most people will say “keep showing up.”

Don’t stop training if you don’t have to.

Normal rolling can get boring if you do it too long.

And his is an indication that you need to make adjustments.

When you go into normal rolling, the variables are so broad.

Your opponents skill, size, strengths, all vary.

It’s hard to dissect and figure out how you can improve.

You’ll want to adjust mentally.

Physically, you’re still getting a work out, but you might not feel like you’re growing.

The human mind is intrigued by learning.

Not only do you want to learn, you want to feel that you are learning as well.

Action Items

  • Specific Training — This simplifies the task of rolling. Now you’re honing in on one specific aspect of your game. A focused goal is a great way to set small goals.

  • Pivot Your Goal — Maybe your initial goal was to show up regularly. And you got that down, nice! Now you want to improve your cardio; it’s gotten a lot better, great! Now you need a new goal. New goals will keep you motivated, no matter how big or small.

  • Compete — This is why many people enjoy competing. It’s an easy way to figure out what you need to work on. Competing regularly (however frequently works for you) will constantly provide goals.

  • Challenge Yourself In New Ways — Perhaps you’ve learned so much…whatever old methods you’ve used will only keep you where you are. As you get better at Jiu-Jitsu, you’ll have to increasingly seek out new challenges for yourself. When you’re a white belt, everything is a challenge. Why do you think black belts love seminars?

Now, let's start rolling...

Techniques To Explore

1. Understanding Open Guard Grips And The Advantages
This video actually starts off with a great conceptual approach to your training. Towards the end of the video, Keenan breaks down the importance of grip fighting during passing/open guard.

2. Building A Strong Foundation With An Open Guard
Rafael Lovato shares what he prioritizes when he’s in guard, maintaining control to get to his favorite set ups.

3. 8 Grips To Control The Match From The Opening
You don’t need to learn all eight, so don’t feel overwhelmed. Learn 2-3 right now and slowly add in over time.

Quick Tips

Closing Thought

Most people enjoy Jiu-Jitsu because it’s a process of constant learning.

When you start off, you get crushed by everyone. So there’s always something new to learn.

But your motivation depends on where you are in your development cycle.

Your development changes, so you will have to change with it.

You must allow your Jiu-Jitsu to improve. Like most other aspects of life, you’ll want to give it time and attention to grow.