TFS#32: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Your Jiu-Jitsu will suffer when learning a new move.

Every week, your instructor shares a new technique with you.

During sparring rounds, they'll encourage you to attempt the technique.

And when you do, you'll most likely fail.

You’ll even feel like you “lost the round” because you opted for the new technique instead of playing your favorite style.

“I need to drill this more before I try it,” you tell yourself.

Partially true…but that’s what the class drilling time is for.

Just a friendly reminder: In a normal class sparring match, our goal isn’t to win the round, it’s to learn new techniques and expand our overall knowledge of Jiu-Jitsu.

Your game will suffer when incorporating a new move

Just like how you suck at everything new you try, you’ll suck at a new technique.

By incorporating a tool you’re unfamiliar with, your overall game will suffer a little.

But remember, the suffering is only temporary.

It takes time before you learn the move, then actually fit it into your game.

You don’t magically “hit the move” when you learn it, it comes in increments of success.

Let’s say a technique can be broken down into five steps.

The first step is actually setting up the position, getting yourself in place to execute the technique.

And let's not forget, getting into position to execute the technique is already an accomplishment.

But then, throughout the week you learn to make a tiny adjustment.

Now you can take it to step 2…before failing.

But that's okay.

Because now you've taken it farther than you've ever taken it.

And that’s a win, you’ve made progress!

It might take you another week before you can get to step 3...before failing. And that’s another win.

Soon enough, you’ll take it to step 5 and you would have successfully executed the technique.

Now this is where most people see the success behind their hard work.

But they've also forgotten about the little steps they took along the way.

(This is also why there are a lot of mediocre teachers or upper belts that give questionable advice, they've forgotten the nitty-gritty's of their hard work along the way!)

Becoming an objective observer

Becoming a better learner requires you to become an objective observer.

You have to be willing to admit why you messed up.

Recall your sparring rounds to see the finer details of what went wrong rather than allowing your emotions to define your success.

If you’re a white or blue belt, you’re still learning the process.

So trust it.

Even if it’s a technique you don’t see yourself utilizing, it’s knowledge you’re gaining.

You can use that knowledge to defend against that technique in the future!

Don’t shy away from incorporating new moves.

You must be willing to lose that position.

You must be willing to "lose the round."

This is part of risk-tasking.

Setting goals

One effective method for setting goals is through incremental goals.

Instead of telling yourself to swing for the home run, tell yourself to get a hit on base. (If you're not a baseball person, feel free to ask me about this analogy.)

Not only will you grow to become more resilient in your perseverance, you’re also becoming a better student…

Which will pay dividends into your upper belt days.

Resources You Might Like

From someone else: How to deal with that spaz .

Closing Thought

You don’t always get to choose the challenge, but you can choose how to deal with it.

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